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passing value to ajax success: function

I have a function that calls a generic handler for some server action and upon completion of the handler I want to pass a message to the ajax success function based on what happened server side.

is it possible to do this and how can I do this?

this is what I have in mind

$(document).on("click", "input[name='chkUserStreaming']", function () {

var prodKeyStream = $("input[name='prodKeyStream']").val();

    url: 'Handlers/StreamingForUser.ashx',
    data: { 'prodKeyStream': prodKeyStream },
    success: function (data) {

        //here is where I want an alert message based on the value passed from



here is the handler

public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
        context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
        bool success;//true or false which I want to pass to the call back
        var prodKeyStream = context.Request["prodKeyStream"].ToString();

        //server side action, from here I want to pass a varaible(message)
        //to ajax success callback             


Thank you


  • Write the string to the response object in your processrequest method:
