following Code...
<shell:ApplicationBar IsVisible="True" ForegroundColor="White" IsMenuEnabled="True" BackgroundColor="#002B55">
<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton Click="B_Search_Click" IconUri="Images\Pic_Search.png" Text="Search"/>
<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton Click="B_Media_Click" IconUri="Images\Pic_Media.png" Text="Media"/>
<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton Click="B_Scan_Click" IconUri="Images\Pic_Scan.png" Text="Scanner"/>
<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton Click="B_Charts_Click" IconUri="Images\Pic_Charts.png" Text="Charts"/>
<shell:ApplicationBarMenuItem Click="B_Logout_Click" Text="Logout"/>
gives me following ApplicationBar... (Solid background when expanded)
BUT if I create the AppBar in CodeBehind like this...
private void ResetApplicationBar()
ApplicationBar = new ApplicationBar();
ApplicationBar.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 43, 85);;
ApplicationBar.ForegroundColor = Colors.White;
ApplicationBar.Opacity = 1;
ApplicationBarIconButton B_Search = new ApplicationBarIconButton();
B_Search.IconUri = new Uri("/Images/Pic_Search.png", UriKind.Relative);
B_Search.Text = "search";
B_Search.Click += new EventHandler(B_Search_Click);
(more Buttons...)
then I get that misterios unchangable Transparency... (Half-Transparent when expanded)
How can I change the Background to solid??? -Yes I have mostly overwritten the theme -Changing global colors doesnt work -changing background/foreground doesnt work -changing opacity doesnt work...
I need to generate it from code behind because im changing it dynamically in one window (or is it possible to define multiple AppBars in markup?)
Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much for effort, but changing opacity didnt to 0.999 didnt help either.
I found a solution!! And its quite simple :)
I Just take the old bar instead of creating a new one:
//Old Code
ApplicationBar = new ApplicationBar();
//New Code
Hope it helps someone!