EDIT: I've opted for the second approach as I got 150+ fps even when all 3 tile layers fill the entire screen.
EDIT 2: I read a lot about vertex buffer objects and how they would be great for static geometry and although I still have no idea how to turn my 2D tiles into a VBO and store it on the GPU memory, it definitely seems like the way to go if anyone else is looking for a fast way to render static geometry/quads.
I'm making a game like Super Meat Boy and was wondering if it would be better/faster to store level tiles in an array list and do a camera bounds overlap test to see if it should be rendered.
foreach(Tile tile in world.tiles) {
if(Overlap(camera.bounds, tile))
Or would a 2D array storing every grid square and only reading off between camera bounds be better?
int left = (int)(camera.position.x - camera.width/2);
int right = (int)(camera.position.x + camera.width/2) + 1;
int top = (int)(camera.position.y - camera.height/2); // WHY XNA DO YOU UPSIDE DOWN!!!
int bottom = (int)(camera.position.y + camera.width/2) + 1;
for(int x = left; x < right; x++) {
for(int y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
The camera can fit 64*36 tiles on screen which is 2300 odd tiles to read off using the latter approach but is doing an overlap test with every tile in the level any better? I read an answer about joining matching adjacent tiles into a larger quad and just repeating the texture (although I'm using a texture atlas so I'm not sure how to repeat a region on a texture).
Cheers guys.
As per my past experience I can share the details. In 2D map, normally map is like 0 - N long. Now N is far longer then screen size. Now at first I tried to loading everything at once. But it is bit of a overhead. Ok, it was like very much of a overhead. And I endup with 0 FPS. As I want different kind of object for me. So, even repeating same object and saving memory is not working. Then I tried bounding things with reference to screen. So, objects are there and but they are not getting rendered. So, it is moved from away from draw pipe line. And game back to life.
Now, for further performance with C# 4.0 I can use TPL and async and await with draw. It is like better version of threading. So, you can throw stuff there and let it be render at will.
Here is deal wiht XNA or any kinda graphics library. There is complete graphics rendering pipeline. And that makes things whole lot slow. Specifically if PC is old and only have 64MB graphics card to support only wide screen. Your game will be deployed to any kinda machine right??!!
So, if I explain in language of XNA, update is simple code and run it as fast as it can, there is nothing to stop it. But draw is has complete pipe line ahead of it. And that is sole reason of having begin and end. So, after end it can start pushing things to pipe line. [Here] (http://classes.soe.ucsc.edu/cmps020/Winter11/readings/hlsl.pdf) article for reference.
So, here is a deal rendering pipeline is needed but there is no need that is should be slow and blocking. Just make it multi-threaded and things will quite faster for you. If you want more terse then you have to use C# at it fullest including Linked list and stuff. But that will be like last stage.
I hope I have given enough details to provide you an answer. Please let me know if any further details needed.