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Fuelphp: Can't load module's view from module's controller

Hi There need assistance here(specially those fuelphp developers),

I'm having these set-up on the fuelphp where I am using a module implementation. Below is my current set-up:


On my controller Controller_Admin I'm putting the code:

   $this->template->notification = \View::forge('common/notification.php');

It cause an error:

The requested view could not be found: common/notification.php

How can I load a view from my controller on my module? Any thoughts. Thank you.


  • I recently figured it out. I need to use the scope resolution (::) on this. :-) It works, I replaced my code to this:

    $this->template->notification = \View::forge('design::common/notification');

    Removing the extension and adding the module name with scope resolution solves the problem. :)