I am struggling with a part of VBA code that I have written to put customized data labels in excel charts.
Sub LabelPnt() 'change
Dim nm As Variant
Dim rate As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim r As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim b As Boolean
With Sheets("Rates") 'change as needed
r = .Range("C13:C30").Rows.Count 'change as needed
ReDim nm(r)
nm = .Range("C13:C30") 'num/den change
ReDim rate(r)
rate = .Range("B13:B30") 'rate change
End With
With Sheets("Fairview Northland Rate") 'change
For n = 1 To 1
With .SeriesCollection(n)
For i = 1 To r
With .Points(i)
Select Case n
Case 1
.DataLabel.Text = rate(i, n) & Chr10 & "(" & nm(i, n) & ")"
.DataLabel.Font.Bold = False
.DataLabel.Font.Size = 7.5
.DataLabel.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End Select
End With
Next i
End With
Next n
End With
End Sub
In this statement ".DataLabel.Text = rate(i, n) & Chr10 & "(" & nm(i, n) & ")"", the rate has to be three decimal points as in the original data sheet but its excluding the decimal points in data labels in sheets. I am assuming that this is because the data label is text.
Can somebody help me with fixing this? Thanks a ton. I have spent a lot of hours but oculd not figure this part out.
I can provide any further information or clarification, if needed.
It's hard to tell what part of the label you want to have with 3 decimal points, but this is the generic code you can use to format any text.
Format(yourValue, "#.000")
For example, if the value in cell A1 is 123.45678...
Format(Range("A1"), "#.000")
would give you the text "123.457"
Given your example, update with the following code
.DataLabel.Text = Format(rate(i, n), "#.000") & Chr10 & "(" & nm(i, n) & ")"