Here I am using NSNumberFormater
to set max number of decimals in a double to two. It seems to work fine, but when I try to convert it back to a double, from the string generated by NSNumberFormater
, as you can see in the NSLog
output, any decimal is removed and replaced by trailing zeros. Why is this?
- (double)randomDoubleBetween:(double)smallNumber and:(double)bigNumber {
double diff = bigNumber - smallNumber;
double ranNum = (((double) (arc4random() % ((unsigned)RAND_MAX + 1)) / RAND_MAX) * diff) + smallNumber;
NSNumberFormatter *doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle];
[doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits setMaximumFractionDigits:2];
NSNumber *num = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:ranNum];
NSString *valueToReturn = [doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits stringFromNumber:num];
NSLog(@"String value %@", valueToReturn);
NSLog(@"Double value converted from string %f", [valueToReturn doubleValue]);
return [valueToReturn doubleValue];
NSLog output:
2013-08-09 02:25:05.031 GG[27947:907] String value 176,19
2013-08-09 02:25:05.035 GG[27947:907] Double value converted from string 176.000000
Looks like -[NSString doubleValue]
isn't respecting the locale decimal separator; it expects a point, not a comma.
// US uses point as decimal separator
[doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc]initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US"]];
NSString *valueToReturn = [doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits stringFromNumber:num];
// Correctly includes fractional part
NSLog(@"Double value converted from string %lf", [valueToReturn doubleValue]);
// Italy uses a comma
[doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"it_IT"]];
valueToReturn = [doubleValueWithMaxDecimalDigits stringFromNumber:num];
// Drops fractional part
NSLog(@"Double value converted from string %lf", [valueToReturn doubleValue]);
I'm not sure why you're formatting the number into a string that you don't use, but if you're going to continue to do that, use the same formatter again to parse the string into a double
before returning.
(Aside, your format specifier is wrong; use %lf
for double