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Can Timers get automatically garbage collected?

When you use a Timer or a Thread that will just run for the entire lifetime of the program do you need to keep a reference to them to prevent them from being garbage collected?

Please put aside the fact that the below program could have timer as a static variable in the class, this is just a toy example to show the issue.

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)


    private static void CreateTimer()
        var program = new Program();

        var timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
        timer.Elapsed += program.TimerElapsed;
        timer.Interval = 30000;
        timer.AutoReset = false;
        timer.Enabled = true;

    private void TimerElapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        var timerCast = (Timer)sender;

        Console.WriteLine("Timer fired at in thread {0}", GetCurrentThreadId());

        timerCast.Enabled = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Program Finalized");

    static extern uint GetCurrentThreadId();

Could the timer get collected in that above example? I ran it for a while and I never got a exception nor a message saying ~Program() was called.

UPDATE: I found out from this question (thanks sethcran) that threads are tracked by the CLR, but I still would like an answer about Timers.


  • This is only a problem with the System.Threading.Timer class if you don't otherwise store a reference to it somewhere. It has several constructor overloads, the ones that take the state object are important. The CLR pays attention to that state object. As long as it is referenced somewhere, the CLR keeps the timer in its timer queue and the timer object won't get garbage collected. Most programmers will not use that state object, the MSDN article certainly doesn't explain its role.

    System.Timers.Timer is a wrapper for the System.Threading.Timer class, making it easier to use. In particular, it will use that state object and keep a reference to it as long as the timer is enabled.

    Note that in your case, the timer's Enabled property is false when it enters your Elapsed event handler because you have AutoReset = false. So the timer is eligible for collection as soon as it enters your event handler. But you stay out of trouble by referencing the sender argument, required to set Enabled back to true. Which makes the jitter report the reference so you don't have a problem.

    Do be careful with the Elapsed event handler. Any exception thrown inside that method will be swallowed without a diagnostic. Which also means that you won't set Enabled back to true. You must use try/catch to do something reasonable. If you are not going to intentionally end your program, at a minimum you'll need to let your main program know that something isn't working anymore. Putting Enabled = true in a finally clause can avoid getting the timer garbage collected, but at the risk of having your program throw exceptions over and over again.