I am trying to cluster a data matrix produced from scientific data. I know how I want the clustering done, but am not sure how to accomplish this feat in R.
Here is what the data looks like:
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3
sample1 1 9 10 2 1 29 2 5 44
sample2 8 1 82 2 8 2 8 2 28
sample3 9 9 19 2 8 1 7 2 27
Please consider A1,A2,A3 to be three replicates of a single treatment, and likewise with B and C. Sample1 are different tested variables. So, I want to hierarchically cluster this matrix in order to see the over all differences between the columns, specifically I will be making a dendrogram (tree) to observe the relatedness of the columns.
Does anyone know how to appropriately cluster something like this? I tried doing this with this:
raw.data <- read.delim("test.txt",header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
...However, this resulted in a tree with branches for each sample variable, instead of each column. Thanks for any suggestions!
Just transpose your data set:
raw.data <- t(raw.data)