i have a simple contact form that i have included a honeypot input field. i would like the form to redirect to a webpage if the field is filled out.
i tried the below code, but it is giving me an error: the AJAX request failed!
so i know i have done something wrong. i'm sure it is simple.
the php code:
if(!empty($_POST["e-mail"])) header('Location: blankman.html');exit;
the form input:
<input type="text" name="e-mail" id="e-mail"/>
here is the full php code:
if(!empty($_POST["e-mail"])) header('Location: blankman.html');exit;
// Clean up the input values
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
$_POST[$key] = stripslashes($_POST[$key]);
$_POST[$key] = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_POST[$key]));
// Assign the input values to variables for easy reference
$name = $_POST["name"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$message = $_POST["message"];
// Test input values for errors
$errors = array();
if(strlen($name) < 2) {
if(!$name) {
$errors[] = "missing your name";
} else {
$errors[] = "your name must be 2 characters";
if(!$email) {
$errors[] = "missing your email";
} else if(!validEmail($email)) {
$errors[] = "you must enter a valid email";
if(strlen($message) < 3) {
if(!$message) {
$errors[] = "missing your message";
} else {
$errors[] = "oops! your message is not long enough";
if($errors) {
// Output errors and die with a failure message
$errortext = "";
foreach($errors as $error) {
$errortext .= "<li>".$error."</li>";
$response = array(
"success" => false,
"content" => "<span class='failure'><ul>". $errortext ."</ul></span>"
// Send the email *********** enter your email address and message info ***
$to = "[email protected]";
$subject = "Website message from: $name";
$message = "From:\n$name\n\nEmail:\n$email\n\nMessage:\n$message";
$headers = "From: $email";
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
// Die with a success message
$response = array(
"success" => true,
"content" => "<span class='success'><li>Thank you! Your message has been sent :).</li></span>"
// A function that checks to see if
// an email is valid
function validEmail($email)
$isValid = true;
$atIndex = strrpos($email, "@");
if (is_bool($atIndex) && !$atIndex)
$isValid = false;
$domain = substr($email, $atIndex+1);
$local = substr($email, 0, $atIndex);
$localLen = strlen($local);
$domainLen = strlen($domain);
if ($localLen < 1 || $localLen > 64)
// local part length exceeded
$isValid = false;
else if ($domainLen < 1 || $domainLen > 255)
// domain part length exceeded
$isValid = false;
else if ($local[0] == '.' || $local[$localLen-1] == '.')
// local part starts or ends with '.'
$isValid = false;
else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $local))
// local part has two consecutive dots
$isValid = false;
else if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.]+$/', $domain))
// character not valid in domain part
$isValid = false;
else if (preg_match('/\\.\\./', $domain))
// domain part has two consecutive dots
$isValid = false;
else if(!preg_match('/^(\\\\.|[A-Za-z0-9!#%&`_=\\/$\'*+?^{}|~.-])+$/',
// character not valid in local part unless
// local part is quoted
if (!preg_match('/^"(\\\\"|[^"])+"$/',
$isValid = false;
if ($isValid && !(checkdnsrr($domain,"MX") || checkdnsrr($domain,"A")))
// domain not found in DNS
$isValid = false;
return $isValid;
here is the javascript:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#contactform").submit(function (e) {
var t = $(this).attr("action");
var n = $(this).serialize();
$.post(t, n, null, "json").done(function (e) {
if (e.success) {
} else {
}).fail(function () {
alert("The AJAX request failed!")
Do not show whatever different behavior if honeypot is filled. This way you are screaming to a spamer with BIG RED LETTERS: "Here is a honeypot! Investigate and write a workaround!"
Always respond to a spam request EXACTLY the same way as to a regular one:
if(!empty($_POST["e-mail"])) {
$response = array(
"success" => true,
"content" => "<span class='success'><li>Thank you! Your message has been sent :).</li></span>"