Ok, so before installing strong_params, using MyBook.create!
would work, but now it doesn't.
Here's my code
class AuthorsController < ApplicationController
def new
@author = user.authors.build
def create
@author = Author.new(author_params)
if @author.save
@book = MyBook.create!(:author_id => @author.id,
:user_id => @author.user_id)
render :new
I tried
@book = MyBook.create!(params.require(:my_book).permit(
:author_id => @author.id,
:user_id => @author.user_id)
but am getting Required parameter missing: my_book
What am I doing wrong? I can update each attribute one by one but that doesn't seem efficient. I understand that I can't mass-assign protected attributes, but without having to assign the attributes in my model (because of strong_params), I don't understand how I can get this to work.
Thank you in advance
So before, you weren't REALLY using params
@book = MyBook.create!(:author_id => @author.id,
:user_id => @author.user_id)
If you were using params in the "mass-assignment" way, it would have looking like:
@book = MyBook.create!(params[:book])
Since you are pulling out the id's yourself, it's easier to do:
@book = MyBook.create! do |mybook|
mybook.author_id = @author.id
mybook.user_id = @author.user_id