I am doing a project using the new updated Bootstrap 3 RC1.
There are may new features with the new Bootstrap 3 which are much different than the previous versions. I figured most of the changes but one I can't resolve:
when the menu has many items it breaks in Ipad and other tablets becuase it doesnt get collapsed like it automatically collapsed on mobile (which is good)
I would like to know how do I "force" ipads to act like mobile and show a collapsed menu or better yet - how to collapse the menu if it has many items and on certain screens and smaller it breaks
here are screenshots of my live project:
-- Menu on Big Screens --
-- Menu on Ipad Landscape --
-- Menu on Ipad Portrait --
-- Menu on Mobile --
I simply want the ipad to act like mobile. notice that the portrait does act like mobile as far as the content but not the menu.
Please read: http://bassjobsen.weblogs.fm/twitter-bootstrap-3-breakpoints-and-grid/
The collapsing of your menu is defined in the less files. (Download the latest version from:https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap )
In variables.less you will find @grid-float-breakpoint: @screen-tablet;
where @screen-tablet is 768px.
So by default your menu will collapse when the screen width is below the 768px;
The ipad landscape has a screen width of 1024px so the menu will NOT collapse. The ipad portrait screen width is 768 px so the menu will NOT collapse.
See also navbar.less:
// Responsive navbar
// --------------------------------------------------
@media screen and (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint) {
To change this behavior you have to change the @grid-float-breakpoint b.e set to 767 and recompile your css files.
NB You also mentioned: "notice that the portrait does act like mobile as far as the content but not the menu."
You use "col-lg-" as prefix for your grid rows. "col-lg-" elements will stack below the 992px (ipad portrait) and become horizontal above 992px (ipad landscape).