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Battery Level using System Management in C#

So I'm working on a speech recognition program in C# and I'v compiled a few lines of code that speaks back the current battery level when I say "battery Level". Only problem is, It doesn't work.

Debugging stage it builds fine, no errors or warnings yet when I say "battery level" I get no response.

if (e.Result.Text == "battery level")
            System.Management.ManagementClass wmi = new System.Management.ManagementClass("Win32_Battery");
            var allBatteries = wmi.GetInstances();
            String estimatedChargeRemaining = String.Empty;

            foreach (var battery in allBatteries)
                estimatedChargeRemaining = Convert.ToString(battery["EstimatedChargeRemaining"]);

            JARVIS.Speak("Estimated Charge Remaining: " + estimatedChargeRemaining + "%");

Does anyone notice any obvious mistakes in the code that could prevent it from working?



  • There are couple of mistakes in your code that may or may not be affecting your application

    if (e.Result.Text.ToLower() == "battery level")   //First Change
        System.Management.ManagementClass wmi = new System.Management.ManagementClass("Win32_Battery");
        var allBatteries = wmi.GetInstances();
        String estimatedChargeRemaining = String.Empty;
        foreach (var battery in allBatteries)
           estimatedChargeRemaining = Convert.ToString(battery["EstimatedChargeRemaining"]);
           JARVIS.Speak("Estimated Charge Remaining: " + estimatedChargeRemaining + "%");  //second change as you may have more than one batteries.