Hi I am trying to extract a JSON using reflection
import net.liftweb.json._
case class Bike(make: String, price: Int) {
def this(price: Int) = this("Trek", price)
val cls = Class.forName("Bike")
val manifest = Manifest.classType(cls)
val parsedData =net.liftweb.json.JsonParser.parse(json)
JsonParser.parse(""" {"price":350} """).extract[manifest]
however I am getting this error:
not found: type manifest
JsonParser.parse(""" {"price":350} """).extract[manifest]
although manifest is from type Manifest
You can extract directly into a case class
val json = "the json";
val bike = parse(json).extract[Bike];
JSON parsing is done through reflection.
If the class is a runtime construct, create a TypeInfo instance and pass that to the extract method.