I'm experiencing 2 different errors, one from the tablet and another from the phone.
I've uploaded a ZIP uncompressed file into the Google Play Store with 4 audio files (more than a day ago) and I'm having some issues.
When trying to download from one device, it downloads the Expansion file and at 99% the error "AAC File Validation Failed" appears.
This was due to a 'false' argument in "SampleDownloaderActivity" -> 'protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result)'
Anyway, executing
Helpers.doesFileExist(this, str, 27959282L, false);
returns TRUE and the mp3 files inside the Zip (obb) work/plays correct.
When trying to download from another device, this appears: "Download failed because the resources could not be found".
I've found in console a message that, I think, is pointing me to the culprit.
[licensechecker] Could not bind to service.
After searching, I've tried:
I haven't found any solution. I'm experiencing the same results with the working sources of 'DND-AAC' (obtained from Google Code).
Here's the solution (Same as answered/edited in the question):
1st problem: SampleDownloaderActivity
private static final XAPKFile[] xAPKS = {
new XAPKFile(
true, // true signifies a main file
2001, // the version of the APK that the file was uploaded
// against
27959282L // the length of the file in bytes
) /*
, new XAPKFile(...)
The hardcoded info were not correctly set. Also, I didnt have a patch file, so i've had to eliminate it from the array.
2n Problem: Play Store app was missing!! There was a direct-access but no app (no clue about why). I made an APK backup from the phone's one and installed in the tablet, then reboot the tablet and all worked fine.