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SVN client can not access repository on CloudForge on one computer. Works fine on another. Error msg PROPFIND 405 Methods not allowed

I was working on a project that I have checked in to SVN. I am using CloudForge to host my SVN data. All was working well from all three computers that I am using (Windows 8 laptop, Windows 7 VMware session, Mac). I recently upgraded my Windows 7 computer to TortoiseSVN 1.8.xxxx from 1.7.xxxx. At approximately the same time the Windows 7 machine would not let me commit through TortoiseSVN anymore. I would get this error.

svn: E175002: PROPFIND request on '/henksprojects' failed: 405 Method Not Allowed

When I tried to repository browse I would get the same error. I checked the other two computers and they are still working fine. I uninstalled TortoiseSVN and SVN completely, rebooted and reinstalled but still get the error. When I try this from the command line:

svn ls https://[email protected]/henksprojects

I also get that error. When I try to force my password into the URL, I get a different error.

svn: E020014: Unable to connect to a repository at URL  https://hvanbrug:[email protected]/henksprojects'

svn: E020014: Error running context: Internal error

It seems like this computer (VM) can no longer access my SVN data at all any more.

All the stuff I have found so far indicates that this is likely a problem either with how the server is set up or that I have a duplicate directory already in the repository, but that doesn't match what I am seeing or trying to do. I can not list the contents of the repository. I have completely removed my working copy from this computer. I have no access to the server, and in any event, the other two computers are still working fine.

I hope someone out there knows what might be going on.

Interestingly, I just reinstalled back down to, and it all works again. Still no luck on 1.8.

Both versions I installed were 64 bit.


  • I contacted CloudForge and they responded with the following:

    "We suggest you to use TortoiseSVN 1.7.x clients only as we are using SVN version 1.7.9 on our servers. If you are able to access the repository from other machines that should be specific to that machine. Hope the information was helpful. Please let us know if you have any further queries."

    I assumed that a 1.8 client would be compatible with a 1.7 server, but it appears that this is not always the case, so at least for this machine I will be going back to a 1.7 client.