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Installation of RVM on Ubuntu Server 12.04

I am running a VM with Ubuntu Server 12.04. I try to install a Ruby on Rails Application and first of all i needed to install Curl (which is done) and now i try to install RVM.

I am following this installation guide : ruby on rails installation

i am at the step when i have to run rvm to check. But it won't load when i try to enter :

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm


I have this folder /usr/local/rvm

when i try to run this : rvm requirements

he says : the program 'rvm' is currently not installed....

but i did with this command :

\curl -L | bash -s stable

as shown in the tutorial, or didn't it install ? i have no errors... i even see : thank you for using rvm!

-sh: 1: source: not found

any ideas? i am relatively new to ubuntu. thanks in advance


  • as the message says:

    -sh: 1: source: not found

    where sh is your current shell - RVM is not compatible with it, you need to use bash:

    sudo apt-get install -y bash && sudo chsh -s $(which bash)

    I have not tested this steps so you might slightly adjust it for your system.