I am trying to write data to Cassandra CQL 3 Table using:
STORE G INTO 'cql://keyapse/col_family?output_query=not sure what goes here' USING CqlStorage();
What does the output_query look like:
UPDATE col_family SET col1=$0, col2=$3 WHERE KEY=$2
You need to take care on both: the storage URL and the data preparation. This is an example that should work.
Suppose you need to insert data in the following structure:
CREATE TABLE example (
row_id text PRIMARY KEY,
value1 text,
value2 int
You need to prepare the data like this:
data_to_insert = FOREACH some_set_of_data GENERATE
TOTUPLE(TOTUPLE('row_id',row_id)), TOTUPLE(value1, value2) ;
Finally the storing statement will be:
STORE data_to_insert INTO 'cql://my/example?output_query=update example set value1 @ # , value2 @ #' USING CqlStorage();