We have recently been testing 8.5.3 and have identified a new issue with how date time values are rendered on xpages.
Any datetime fields containing just the time value (e.g., 11:00 AM) when shown in an editable field on xpages gets converted to a different value due to TZ.
If the server is in India (GMT + 5.30) it adds 5.5 hrs and shows 11:00 AM as 04:30 PM. Basically, it assumes all times as GMT unless specified. This new value also gets saved in the document when saved (so it stores it as 04/08/2012 04:30:00 PM ZE5B) as a result corrupting the original value.
This did not use to happen in 8.5.2 or before and has affected several of our apps.
Has anybody seen this before and can suggest a fix or workaround. Would appreciate any help.
LO67745: XPAGES: CORRECT TIME DOESN'T SHOW ON DATE TIME PICKER http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO67745
8.5.3 FP3 has the fix.