I am working with a NAO-robot on a Windows-XP machine and Python 2.7.
I want to detect markers in speech. The whole thing worked, but unfortunately I have to face now a 10 Secounds delay and my events aren't detected (the callback function isnt invoked).
First, my main-function:
from naoqi import ALProxy, ALBroker
from speechEventModule import SpeechEventModule
myString = "Put that \\mrk=1\\ there."
NAO_IP = ""
NAO_PORT = 9559
memory = ALProxy("ALMemory", NAO_IP, NAO_PORT)
tts = ALProxy("ALTextToSpeech", NAO_IP, NAO_PORT)
myBroker = ALBroker("myBroker",
"", # listen to anyone
0, # find a free port and use it
NAO_IP, # parent broker IP
NAO_PORT) # parent broker port
global SpeechEventListener
SpeechEventListener = SpeechEventModule("SpeechEventListener", memory)
memory.subscribeToEvent("ALTextToSpeech/CurrentBookMark", "SpeechEventListener", "onBookmarkDetected")
And here my speechEventModule:
from naoqi import ALModule
from naoqi import ALProxy
NAO_IP = ""
NAO_PORT = 9559
SpeechEventListener = None
leds = None
memory = None
class SpeechEventModule(ALModule):
def __init__(self, name, ext_memory):
ALModule.__init__(self, name)
global memory
memory = ext_memory
global leds
leds = ALProxy("ALLeds",NAO_IP, NAO_PORT)
def onBookmarkDetected(self, key, value, message):
print "Event detected!"
print "Key: ", key
print "Value: " , value
print "Message: " , message
if(value == 1):
global leds
leds.fadeRGB("FaceLeds", 0x00FF0000, 0.2)
if(value == 2):
global leds
leds.fadeRGB("FaceLeds", 0x000000FF, 0.2)
Please, do anybody have the same problem? Can anybody give me an advice?
Thanks in advance!
You are subscribing to the event outside your module. if I am not wrong you have to do it into the __init__
class SpeechEventModule(ALModule):
def __init__(self, name, ext_memory):
ALModule.__init__(self, name)
memory = ALProxy("ALMemory")
leds = ALProxy("ALLeds")
Anyway, check that your main function keeps running forever (better if you catch a keyboard interruption) or you program will end before he can catch any keyword.
while True:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Interrupted by user, shutting down"
Take a look to this tutorial, it could be helpful.