This is what I have done so far:
word = actxserver('Word.Application');
document = word.documents.Open('C:\Documents and Settings\kz7213\Desktop\Test.docx');
selection = word.Selection;
selection.TypeText('Big Finale');
selection.Style='Heading 1';
FIG1 = figure('Visible','off'); plot([1 2 3 4 5],[4 1 3 5 7]);
print -dmeta
selection.Style='Heading 1';
selection.InsertCaption('Figure','Test figure 1'); %Not working
How can I select previous entered text such as "Big Finale" to edit it, or select the figure I pasted with the selection. Paste command in order to make a caption for the image?
Possible solution in VBA for MS Word:
'to find a text
Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="Big Finale", Wrap:=wdWrapAlways
'to select inline shape
Alternative solution to find a inlineshape(s) is to use .Find.Execute method
with the following settings:
Selection.Find.Execute FindText:="/", Wrap:=wdWrapAlways, MatchWildcards:=True