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Scala - Lower bound inference in path-dependent types

I'm trying to understand why can't the Scala compiler infer the following restriction on a path-dependent type:

trait MyTrait
class MyTraitImpl extends MyTrait
trait MyTrait2[A <: MyTrait] {
  type MyTraitType = A
class MyTrait2Impl[A <: MyTrait] extends MyTrait2[A]

val obj: MyTrait2[_] = new MyTrait2Impl[MyTraitImpl]

def myMethod[A <: MyTrait](t2: MyTrait2[A]) = println("Hi!")

// <console>:14: error: type arguments [obj.MyTraitType] do not conform to method myMethod's type parameter bounds [A <: MyTrait]
//               myMethod[obj.MyTraitType](obj)

For me, intuitively, MyTraitType can't be anything other than a subclass of a MyTrait, as the bound is right on A in MyTrait2. If there is, can you give me an example or point me to where this code snippet is wrong?

If this is a Scala compiler limitation, can anyone show me a way to achieve this using the type system? Note that:

  • I do not have a MyTrait object, nor does myMethod receive one;
  • I do not need myMethod to know the concrete type of A; all it needs to know is that A it is a subtype of MyTrait and that t2 is parametrized on A;
  • The underscore in obj is intentional; where I call myMethod, I don't know the concrete type of A (or else it would not be a problem);
  • I prefer solutions where I don't have to modify myMethod.


  • You should just use constraints on type member instead of bounds on type parameter in MyTrait2 declaration:

    trait MyTrait
    class MyTraitImpl extends MyTrait
    trait MyTrait2 { // Remove [A <: MyTrait]
      type MyTraitType <: MyTrait // add <: MyTrait
    class MyTrait2Impl[A <: MyTrait] extends MyTrait2 { type MyTraitType = A }
    val obj: MyTrait2 = new MyTrait2Impl[MyTraitImpl]
    def myMethod[A <: MyTrait](t2: MyTrait2{ type MyTraitType = A }) = println("Hi!")

    You'll get a compilation error on wrong types, just as expected:

    scala> val otherObj: MyTrait2 = new MyTrait2Impl[MyTraitImpl]
    otherObj: MyTrait2 = MyTrait2Impl@8afcd0c
    scala> myMethod[obj.MyTraitType](otherObj)
    <console>:15: error: type mismatch;
     found   : otherObj.type (with underlying type MyTrait2)
     required: MyTrait2{type MyTraitType = obj.MyTraitType}

    Proof it works with List[MyTrait2]:

    scala> for {
         |   obj <- List[MyTrait2](
         |            new MyTrait2Impl[MyTraitImpl],
         |            new MyTrait2Impl[MyTraitImpl]
         |          )
         | } myMethod[obj.MyTraitType](obj)