I wonder if it is possible to override project.version/version variable in maven via command line?
The following doesn't work:
mvn deploy -Dversion=1.0-test-SNAPSHOT
mvn deploy -Dproject.version=1.0-test-SNAPSHOT
My pom.xml is:
<name>My Module</name>
<description>POM Project for My Module</description>
Simply you can't override project.version
. Try:
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=<version>
Usually, I start by updating the parentPom
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.3-SNAPSHOT
This would be enough if the parent pom contained all child projects if not you will need to go to a super project that contain all child project and execute
mvn versions:update-child-modules
Also the two previous steps will be enough if the parentPom exists in relative path if not you will need to install parentPom project with the new version
mvn install
Usually this will be enough if you don't have module depend on another module. if you do, declare its version as a project.version like that and it will be reflected automatically
Check the maven Versions Plugin docs.