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Live Tile Notification Not Showing

Hi I've been working at this for a while without success. I'm trying to send a simple notification to the live tile for my Native Windows 8 game. To get used to it I tried to use the example mentioned in the docs:

var expiryTime;
expiryTime = date_current_datetime();
expiryTime = date_inc_minute(expiryTime, 5);
win8_livetile_notification_text_add("Current Score = " + score);
win8_livetile_notification_image_add("ms-appx:///" + working_directory + "ScoreTile.png");

Now this code crashes my app. Can someone tell me how to post a tile notification and where we should put the images. Right now I have the images inside of the Included Files folder.


  • score is a real value, not a string, so you must write:

    win8_livetile_notification_text_add("Current Score = " + string(score));

    There's no typecasting in GameMaker and never was.