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SQL Server 2005 Transaction Log Entry : LOP_Format_Page

I am investigating an issue relating to a large log expansion during an ETL process, even though the database is set in bulk logged mode (and it is not running in psuedo simple but truely bulk logged)

Using the ::fn_dblog(null,null) function to examine the transaction log operations and the context of the operation, the log expansion is pretty much entirely down to the logging of a LOP_FORMAT_PAGE operation, on a LCX_Heap context. (97% of the expansion is that operation, appearing in the log over 600k times for a single data load.)

The question is, what is the lop_format_page doing / recording that SQL has done?

Given that, I should be able to reverse the logic and understand what the cause / effect chain is that results in this and be able to alter the ETL if appropriate.

I'm not expecting many people have come across this one, the level of available detail on the operations and context is minimal to none.


  • You're correct that this is very thinly (AKA not!) documented. I've done a little poking around inside logs and have done a lot of log-reduction work (mostly by ensuring bulk inserts were actually being done in bulk!). So I know this can be challenging to track down.

    My best guess, having seen LOP_FORMAT_PAGE used in context, is that it's clearing out a new page-- for example when splitting an index page once that page is full and another entry needs to be created. So, if this assumption is correct, you may want to track down what may be causing a whole bunch of new pages to get allocated.

    Do you know which operations are going on in the ETL while you're seeing the log expansion? It would be helpful to understand this context-- please add that info to your question if possible.

    Also, are you able to run and vary your ETL code in a test environment? Instead of figuring out this inscrutable log record definition, it may be easier to isolate the problem by running your ETL while commenting out some steps (or limiting the number of rows affected) and then seeing which change makes the problem go away.