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Project relational data to XML column - is it possible?

I have 2 tables of the following structure:


Id | LastName | FirstName | Other columns...

The second table has an XML column:

Id | MyXmlCol | Other columns...

MyXmlCol stores the following XML:

    <person id="1" />
    ...other nodes
  ...other blocks

The id attribute points actually to the Id column of the People table.

What I need, is to query MyXmlCol, so that it returns:

    <person id="1" LastName="Jones" FirstName="Bob" />
    ...other nodes
  ...other blocks

Is it possible to make such projection? I'm using Sql Server 2012.


  • If there can be only one element "person" in a single element "block", this should suit:

    update T
    set MyXmlCol.modify('
        insert (
            attribute LastName {sql:column("P.LastName")},
            attribute FirstName {sql:column("P.FirstName")}
        into (/myData/block/person)[1]')
    from @Table2 T
    inner join @People P on T.MyXmlCol.value('(/myData/block/person/@id)[1]', 'int') = P.Id