I have a strange issue overriding BackkeyPress Function in code behind, inside the function i have a simple message box to Go back or cancel navigation ( stay in current page ), when no choice is made (ok or cancel ) and Messagebox is open for long time, Application crashes, when i try to debug, no exception is thrown and App remains in the state unless OK or cancel is pressed , but on Normal run ( without debugger ) the crash is apparent.
protected override void OnBackKeyPress(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
string caption = "exit?";
string message = "Do you still want to exit?";
e.Cancel = MessageBoxResult.Cancel == MessageBox.Show(message, caption,
In Windows Phone 8, if you call Show in OnBackKeyPress(CancelEventArgs) or a handler for the BackKeyPress event, the app will exit.
You can work around this by calling Show on a different thread, as described in the following steps. Override BackKeyPress or create a handler for the BackKeyPress event. Set the Cancel to true to cancel the back key press action. Dispatch a method that shows the MessageBox. If the user chooses to leave the app, call Terminate(), otherwise, do nothing.