I want to learn to use git-svn
. I have an svn local repository on my disk that I've checked out a while ago using something like this:
svn co http://myserver.com/mysvnrepo/trunk/ /mysvnrepo/
ls -a /mysvnrepo/
. .. .svn foo bar
This /mysvnrepo/
is HUGE, so I want to avoid re-downloading or copying the files at all costs.
I'm wondering if there's a way to git clone
this local repo without downloading / copying anything (because it's already there).
I have this which seems to be what I'm looking for, but when I do that it doesn't quite give me what I expect.
cd /mysvnrepo/
git svn clone file://mysvnrepo/
ls /mysvnrepo/
. .. .git .svn foo bar
git status
# On branch master
# Initial commit
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# .svn/
# foo/
# bar/
I would expect git
to detect foo
and bar
as "versioned and up-to-date".
According to the docs it seems that I need to use git svn init
because git svn clone
runs a fetch
, which I certainly don't want. So I tried
git svn init --trunk=file:///mysvnrepo/
...but no luck.
I'm completely new to git
, so my confusion is off-the-charts... am I doing something utterly wrong?
Thanks in advance
You cannot take a subversion snapshot and convert it into a git repository.
It sounds like you are trying to avoid a lengthy initialization of the git repository from svn: which ordinarily will try to ready your entire history. This can be done in another way, by limiting the fetch to recent history depending on how much history is relevant to you:
git svn clone -s -r 12334:HEAD https://svn.host.org/repo
Where 12334 is the earliest svn revision you are interested in and assuming that the repo is laid out in a standard svn way with branches and tags.