I'm printing the messages on console in qmomentics ide.
console.log("Simple string message");
Then this message is displaying on the device log console.
Now i'm trying to concatenate the other datatypes to the message and printing those messages on the device console. Then that message is not displaying on the console.
property bool finished: false
console.log("String message concatenated with bool value" +finished);
Please tell me how print messages which are concatenated with other datatypes.
Look at this:
NavigationPane {
id: navigationPane
property bool myProperty: false //OK
console.log("my string" + myProperty); //NOT HERE!
function myFunction() { //OK
onCreationCompleted: {
console.log("myProperty: " + myProperty); //THIS WORKS
When I try it like you did IDE already gives me an error. Only definitions are allowed there. You can put it in onCreationCompleted or some other function.