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Challenge repeating tr with ng-repeat

I'm struggling with a special use case. I provide you with a jsfiddle snippet at the bottom.

1. The HTML table

My HTML is a table. ng-repeat directive must be applied to an html element. In my use case, this cannot be done as an instance of ng-repeat is composed of a double tr element:

<!-- ng-repeat the following block n times -->
 <td tooltip="comment that is bound to the first tr">hover me</td>

AngularJS doesn't provide a syntactic ng-repeat comment (unlike KnockoutJS). I found similar questions on SO. However the use case consisted of appending HTML inside an element. Mine would consist of placing a new tr after the ng-repeated tr, but it just didn't work. Besides, there is a new stuff to take into account.

2. The Tooltip directive

The second tr embeds a tooltip directive, which is taken from angular-ui-bootstrap. Therefore a pure jQuery approach may not be feasible.


I provide you with a code snippet that doesn't use ng-repeat at all. My goal is to use ng-repeat applied to each element of my collection.


  • You can use tbody tag for groupping multiple tr together and use ngRepeat to loop over it.

    <div ng-app="challenge">
        <h3>how can I refactor it out using ng-repeat?</h3>
        <table ng-controller="ctrl">
            <tbody ng-repeat="item in collection">
                <tr ng-click="showing=!showing">
                <tr ng-show="showing">
                    <td>comment {{item}}
                        <a tooltip="a tooltip comment {{item}}">
                            <i class="icon-ok-sign"></i>

    By the way, it looks like your code is still in Jquery way of doing things. Even you've put them in a directive. As shown in the example above, a directive is not necessary at all and JQuery is not used.