Here's my scenario:
--ORDER table
OrderID OrderCode DateShipped ShipmentXML
1 ABC 08/06/2013 <Order><Item CustomerName="BF" City="Philadelphia" State="PA"></Item></Order>
2 XYZ 08/05/2013 <Order><Item CustomerName="TJ" City="Richmond" State="VA"></Item></Order>
At some point in the process, I will know the respective TrackingNumber for these Orders. The tracking numbers are available in another table like this:
--TRACKING table
TrackingID OrderCode TrackingNumber
98 ABC 1Z1
99 XYZ 1Z2
The output I'm expecting is as below:
OrderID OrderCode ShipmentXML
1 ABC <Order><Item CustomerName="BF" City="Philadelphia" State="PA" DateShipped="08/06/2013" TrackingNumber="1Z1"></Item></Order>
2 XYZ <Order><Item CustomerName="TJ" City="Richmond" State="VA" DateShipped="08/05/2013" TrackingNumber="1Z2"></Item></Order>`
As you can see, I'm trying to get the TrackingNumber
and the DateShipped
for each OrderCode
and have them as an attribute. The intent is a SELECT, not UPDATE.
All the examples I've seen demonstrate how to update the XML with a Constant value or a variable. I couldn't find one that demonstrates XML updates with a JOIN. Please help with how this can be accomplished.
By 'Select not Update', I meant that no updates to the permanent table; UPDATE on temp tables are perfectly fine, as Mikael commented below the first answer.
A version using a temp table to add the attributes to the XML.
select OrderID,
into #Order
from [Order]
update #Order
set ShipmentXML.modify
('insert attribute DateShipped {sql:column("DateShipped")}
into (/Order/Item)[1]')
update O
set ShipmentXML.modify
('insert attribute TrackingNumber {sql:column("T.TrackingNumber")}
into (/Order/Item)[1]')
from #Order as O
inner join Tracking as T
on O.OrderCode = T.OrderCode
select OrderID,
from #Order
drop table #Order