I've worked with photo albums before, and I've found 2 methods of managing them through PHP:
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
With the database, I can store the time of the upload, where it was uploaded from, etc. It's harder to do something like that with the filesystem (like a manifest.json file for non-file related data).
But with the filesystem, it just feels nicer for some reason, because, you know, photos are images, and are meant to be stored in a filesystem. Just feels right.
But what is the proper way of making a photo album that displays things like:
What is the RIGHT way of going about this?
One way you can store all of the information, and using the file system for the images is by combining the two!
If you have a table containing a list of the images, each with the images filename, the time it was uploaded, and a caption.
Then, you could write a simple class like below to manage each image:
class Image {
private $info;
public function __construct(int $id, $mysqli) {
$info = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM `images` WHERE `id`=" . $id);
$this->info = array();
$this->info["id"] = $info["id"];
$this->info["src"] = "/my/path/" . $info["name"] . "." . $info["type"];
$this->info["upload"] = strtotime($info["upload"]);
$this->info["tags"] = json_decode($info["tags"], true);
public function Id() { return $this->info["id"]; }
public function Src() { return $this->info["src"]; }
public function Upload() { return $this->info["upload"]; }
public function Tags() { return $this->info["tags"]; }
This simple class would work if you have a table in your database like this:
| id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT | name TEXT | type TEXT | upload DATETIME | tags TEXT |
So now, if you know the ID of the image you want to get, you can get it with the following code:
$id = 57;
$img = new Image($id, $connection);
Now we can get information on the image!
echo $img->Id() // output: 57
echo $img->Src() // output: /my/path/image.png
echo $img->Upload() // output: 1375858084
The Tags()
function will return an array, JSON decoded from the column in the database.