My domain has an object called a Car. It has several properties
public abstract class Car : ICar
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public abstract string Drive();
it implements interface ICar
public interface ICar
string Color { get; set; }
int Id { get; set; }
string Model { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Drive();
now I want there to be two inherited types. They inherit Car, and implement ICar.
class SportCar: Car, ICar
public override string Drive()
return ("vroooomvroooomvroooomvroooom i'm a sports car - "+ Name);
class Truck: Car, ICar
public override string Drive()
return ("grrrrrrrrrrrr i'm a sports truck- " + Name);
So now i have two vehicles that fullfill the contract, and have a different way of driving.
This works nicely, so elsewhere in my app I can have a method like this and we are happy
public string DoDrive(ICar c)
return c.Drive();
But now I want my Car object to be persisted to a database using fluent nhibernate. I only want one table Car, and trucks and sportscars to be in the same table. I can create an enum to identify whether its a sportcar or truck. thats not a peoblem. but how to I map my car object.
I cant use an abstract class for nhibernate
If you want all your cars to be persisted in the same table, you need to implement a mapping strategy called table per class hierarchy.
First, map your abstract class as below:
public class CarMap : ClassMap<Car>
public CarMap()
Id(x => x.Id);
Map(x => x.Color);
Map(x => x.Model);
Map(x => x.Name);
The table will have a "Type" column. This is called the discriminator column.
Then map all your concrete classes. Each concrete class will have a "discriminator value":
public class SportCarMap : SubclassMap<Car>
public SportCarMap()
//If your Sport Car has specific properties:
//Map(x => x.BrakeHorsePower);
public class TruckMap : SubclassMap<Car>
public TruckMap()
//If your Truck has specific properties:
//Map(x => x.MaxLoad);