I just switched from TopBraid to try out Protege.
I have an ontology with some RDF that resembles this:
instances:some_thing1 a semapi:SomeClass ;
semapi:hasChainTo (
a semapi:SomeOtherClass ;
semapi:hasChainTo (
[ ... ]
[ ... ]
) .
The idea is that this nested blank nodes syntax works great because the chains get very deep and this syntax is fluid and highly readable and maintainable as the chains may change from time to time and new chains can be added.
Not only that, but I have already wrote queries for the resulting graph.
Problem is, if I import this into Protege and then Save it right back out, the result are reformatted to something like:
instance:some_thing1 rdf:type semapi:SomeClass ,
owl:NamedIndividual ;
semapi:hasChainTo [ ] .
[ rdf:type semapi:SomeClass ;
semapi:hasChainTo [ ]
] .
The resulting RDF completely breaks the querying system as well as the other benefits of using this approach to represent "chaining".
Is there any way I can get around this? If not I may be forced to switch back to TopBraid.
UPDATE: Here is a reproduction of the issue:
I wrote bugTest.ttl
then open it in Protege and immediately Save As > Turtle > bugTestOutput.ttl
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13814624/bugTest.ttl https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13814624/bugTestOutput.ttl
In short, your ontology is not a valid OWL ontology, and Protégé is following the “garbage in, garbage out” principle. Since the some bad data is coming in (though Protégé does try to salvage it), you get bad data out (actually, just the salvaged data). You can validate an ontology with the Manchester OWL Validator, but you'll need to select the OWL 2 DL profile to get the appropriate diagnostics. On your document, the output is:
The ontology and/or one of its imports is NOT in the OWL 2 DL profile
Imports Closure
Ontology IRI Physical URI OntologyID(OntologyIRI(<http://ideation.io/semapi>))
Detailed report
Use of reserved vocabulary for class IRI
SubClassOf(semapi:BaseClass rdfs:Class)
Use of undeclared class
SubClassOf(semapi:BaseClass rdfs:Class)
Aside from the fact that you have a triple:
a owl:Ontology .
in the first file, this doesn't appear to be an OWL ontology at all. E.g.,
semapi:BaseClass a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class .
is defining some classes that could be used in an RDFS vocabulary, but it doesn't declare any owl:Class
es. When you do something like
semapi:hasChainTo a owl:ObjectProperty;
rdfs:domain semapi:BaseClass;
rdfs:range semapi:BaseClass .
You've got an owl:ObjectProperty
that's going to be relating semapi:BaseClass
es, each of which is also an rdfs:Class
, so you've got an object property that's going to be relating rdfs:Class
es, but in OWL DL, object properties can only relate individuals. Where you start using RDF lists, i.e., in:
instances:Instance1 a semapi:DerivedClass;
semapi:hasChainTo (
a semapi:DerivedClass;
semapi:hasChainTo (
you're using an RDF list as the object in an object property assertion. RDF lists can't be used in OWL DL, however, because they're also used in the RDF serialization of OWL. It would seem, then, that Protégé is discarding a bunch of information that isn't meaningful to it as the RDF serialization of an OWL ontology. One might be able to argue that when Protégé doesn't know what do with some RDF that's coming in, that it should preserve it, but that's really an untenable position when RDF is just one possible serialization of the serialized thing (an OWL ontology) that Protégé is concerned with.
Pellet's lint
tool produces a number of warnings:
[Untyped classes]
- http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass
- http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass
- http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Class
[Untyped individuals]
- 6 BNode(s)
[Using rdfs:Class instead of owl:Class]
- http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass
- http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass
OWL 2 DL violations found for ontology <http://ideation.io/semapi>:
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> [ObjectPropertyRange(<http://ideation.io/semapi#hasChainTo> <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass>) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid5) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: rdfs:Class [SubClassOf(<http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> rdfs:Class) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid11) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> [SubClassOf(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass>) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid9) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> [SubClassOf(<http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> rdfs:Class) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid1) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> [ObjectPropertyDomain(<http://ideation.io/semapi#hasChainTo> <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass>) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid7) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of reserved vocabulary for class IRI: rdfs:Class [SubClassOf(<http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass> rdfs:Class) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> _:genid3) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [SubClassOf(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> <http://ideation.io/semapi#BaseClass>) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
Use of undeclared class: <http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> [ClassAssertion(<http://ideation.io/semapi#DerivedClass> <http://ideation.io/instances#Instance1>) in <http://ideation.io/semapi>]
No OWL lints found for ontology <http://ideation.io/semapi>.
<http://ideation.io/semapi> does not import other ontologies.