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Image is not displaying in cfdocument pdf for coldfusion 10

I am using ColdFusion 10 Enterprise edition, and am unable to display images when using CFDOCUMENT to generate a PDF. Below is the piece of code I am using:

<cfsavecontent variable="report">
   <table align='center'>
    <cfoutput query="VARIABLES.result">
                 <div class='addInfoDetails'>#SHOWINFO#</div>

In the above code, the VARIABLES.result query is coming from database and SHOWINFO is a variable having the content of image and text. For example:

 "<p> Hi This is the test information
     <img alt="image" src="../TestBank/test/info/5KQ.jpg"/>

Here if dump the SHOWINFO variable inside the CFSAVECONTENT, the image displays correctly. But when I convert this into PDF, using CFDOCUMENT, the image is not displaying.

Below is the code block I am using to generate the pdf:

<cfdocument format="PDF" saveasname="TestPDF">

Thanks in advance.


  • I fixed it by adding the attribute "localUrl = yes" in CFDOCUMENT tag.

    Now it is working fine for me.