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STM32 atoi and strtol sometimes missing first 2 digits

I am reading a value sent over RS485 which is the value of an encoder I first check if it has returned an E character (the encoder is reporting an error) and if not then do the following

    *position = atoi( buffer ); 
    // Also tried *position = (s32) strtol(buffer,NULL,10);

The value in the buffer is 4033536 and position gets set to 33536 this does not happen every time in this function probably 1 in 1000 times maybe although I am not counting. Setting the program counter back and doing the line again if has failed returns the same result but starting the debugger again causes the value to convert correctly.

I am using keil uvision 4, its a custom board using an stm32f103vet6 and the stm32f10 library V2.0.1 This one has really got me stumped never come across something like this before any help would be much appreciated.



  • As no one knows I will just post what I ended up doing which was to write my own function for convertion not ideal but it worked.

    bool cdec2s32(char* text, s32 *destination)
        s32 tempResult = 0;
        char currentChar;
        u8 numDigits = 0;
        bool negative = FALSE;
        bool warning = FALSE;
        if(*text == '-')
          negative = TRUE;
    while(*text != 0x00 && *text != '\r') //while current character not null or carridge return
        if(*text >= '0' && *text <= '9')
            currentChar = *text;
            currentChar -= '0';
            if((warning && ((currentChar > 7 && !negative) || currentChar > 8 && negative )) || numDigits > 10) // Check number not too large
                tempResult = 2147483647;
                    tempResult *= -1;
                *destination = tempResult;
                return FALSE;
            tempResult *= 10;
            tempResult += currentChar;
            if(numDigits >= 9)
                if(tempResult >= 214748364)
                    warning = TRUE; //Need to check next digit as close to limit
        else if(*text == '.' || *text == ',')
            return FALSE;
        tempResult *= -1;
    *destination = tempResult;
    return TRUE;
