Can someone please help explain what this means.
Background: 'network' is a class and represents a Neural Network object, it's constructor requires several inputs such as; nodes, inputs, outputs, num_functions etc. However, the python implementation I'm using as a reference uses a dictionary to load these parameters into the constructor (I believe that is whats going on). Can anyone help explain how this works network(**config)? Ps. I'm converting this to Java.
The constructor for the network class looks like this:
public network(int _graph_length, int _input_length, int _output_length, int _max_arity, int _function_length){
The dictionaries do this:
output is a dictionary used to store data.
config is a dictionary uses to load parameters for the NN.
And the code I don't understand is:
//Output data reset:
output.put("skipped", 0);
output.put("estimated", 0);
//if single mutation method:
if (config.get("speed") == "single"){
network.mutate = network.one_active_mutation;
parent = network(**config);
yield parent;
while true:
//code to evolve networks here!
will unpack the dictionary config
and use the key value pairs in that dictionary as arguments to network
For example, these will all make the same call to func
def func(foo, bar):
print foo, bar
d = {'foo': 'value1', 'bar': 'value2'}
func(**{'bar': 'value2', 'foo': 'value1'})
func(bar='value2', foo='value1')
func('value1', 'value2')