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SQL Reformatting table columns

I have a table right now which is in a very inconvenient format.

Quarter / ID  / Sales
1     / 234   / 50
1     / 258  / 100 
2     / 234  / 50 
2     / 456  / 125
3     / 258  / 100
3     / 456  / 75 
3     / 555  / 100  
4     / 555  / 50

This is just an example, there are in reality like 5600 columns.

I want to reformat the table so that the example I just showed looks more like:

ID /   Q1   /    Q2    /   Q3    /    Q4
234/   50   /    50    /   0     /     0
258/   100  /    0     /   100   /     0
456/    0   /    125   /   75    /     0
555/    0   /     0    /   100   /     50

Is there a way for me to easily just move these columns, maybe based on some sort of lookup for the ID number? I just need all the data for each ID in one record with separate columns, rather than in 4 records, one for each quarter.


---So far all I have done is create a new table with distinct ID. Then I want to use some sort of join or lookup insert that can put all records into Q1 where quarter = 1 and dealer = dealer of record.


  • Well I figured it out. First I made a new table.

    CREATE TABLE newtable (ID varchar (5), Q1 int, Q2 int, Q3 int, Q4 int)

    Then I inserted distinct ID's

    INSERT INTO newtable
    FROM oldtable

    Then for Q1 I made a insert statement as such:

    UPDATE newtable
    SET newtable.Q1 = oldtable.sales
    FROM newtable 
    INNER JOIN oldtable
    ON newtable.ID = oldtable.ID
    WHERE oldtable.quarter = '1'

    I then just copied and did it for each quarter, changing to Q2 and then respectively '2' in the WHERE statement.

    Just make sure you check for duplicates, my actual dataset had duplicates because I used a select distinct paired with another column.