I am using FMOD for audio analysis, using system::getSpectrumto get the frequency data. My question here is about what data does FMOD use behind the scene to perform the FFT. For example, if my output rate is at 44100Hz and I call getSpectrum() 30 times a second (every 0.03333 seconds) with 1024 samples:
system.getSpectrum(data, 1024, 0, FMOD_DSP_FFT_WINDOW_BLACKMANHARRIS);
Does FMOD just take the last 1024 PCM samples that were played and perform the FFT on those? In this case, if 1470 samples were actually read and played between getSpectrum() calls, only the last 1024 samples are dealt with and we lose the info on the intermediate 446 floats. Then the precision of the interval at which I call getSpectrum becomes incredibly important, because I don't get the same results if I call it after 0.033 seconds onnce and after 0.034 seconds the next, which makes the whole thing very dependent on FPS and totally undetermined. Can anyone provide me with insight on the under-the-hood mechanics of FMOD and how to get this to be deterministic?
I had to contact FMOD support for the answer. I short, FMODs FFT is updated every 1024 samples, and it is up to me to get the new data ASAP, and check if it's different from thelast time I got it.