I have a sentence
sentence = <p> Reading, watching or <span class="matching">listening</span> to the media isn’t <span class="matching">matching</span><span class="matching">much</span> help either. </p>
to make it render properly at front-end here is what I have done
from flask import Markup
sentence = Markup(sentence)
But the output is only rendered properly for one markup (not necessarily first one) and others are not rendered.
<p> Reading, watching or <span class="matching">listening</span> to the media isn’t <span class="matching">much</span> help either. </p>
What am I doing it wrong here?
The culprit is the
that "’" is not valid ASCII, because of which it doesn't come in the valid range of characters of HTML Markup , thus it escapes it (though it should throw an error)
Hope that solves the issue.
This works for me
from flask import Markup
sentence = '<p> Reading, watching or <span class="matching">listening</span> to the media isn\'t <span class="matching">matching</span><span class="matching">much</span> help either. </p>'
Markup(u'<p> Reading, watching or <span class="matching">listening</span> to the media isn\'t <span class="matching">matching</span><span class="matching">much</span> help either. </p>')
hope that is what is the required output