I'v just learned a few languages (for 2 years now), and now I want to make programs with graphic interfaces. Thing is, I just don't know which languages to use.
What languages/programs (and what methods of these programs) are used to make programs with graphic interface? (I know that C# and JAVA are graphic, but I don't know what methods...)
What languages/programs (and what methods of these programs) are used to make applications to IPhone, Android ,and whatever ?
languages/programs (and what methods of these programs) are used to make/edit videos?
Thanks a lot!
Almost all programming languages have libraries that help you create a GUI (Graphical User Interface). Most programming languages, including C++, C#, and Java are general-purpose programming languages - you can use them to program whatever you want.
For Java for example, see this tutorial: Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing.
If you want to write an Android app, you'll program in Java.
For iOS and Mac OS X, you'll most likely write your app in Objective-C.