Looking to achieve this:
HTTP request to REST API -> parse -> make async call to another API -> respond to http req with the result of the async call.
Currently, the code looks like:
def getItems(param: String): LiftResponse = {
@volatile var resp: LiftResponse = new BadResponse
param.toLowerCase match {
case "something" =>
val req = Async call returning a Future
req onSuccess {
case items =>
resp = new JsonResponse(items map (decompose(_)), S.getResponseHeaders(Nil), S.responseCookies, 200)
req onFailure {
case fail => resp = new BadResponse
case _ => new OkResponse
But it looks like poor implementation.
What is the idiomatic Scala way to write the above?
I think you can try to inline @volatile var resp by:
def getItems(param: String): LiftResponse = {
param.toLowerCase match {
case "something" =>
val req = Async call returning a Future
req.onComplete {
case Success(items) => new JsonResponse(items map (decompose(_)), S.getResponseHeaders(Nil), S.responseCookies, 200)
case Failure(t) => new BadResponse
case _ => new OkResponse
sorry, onComplete returns Unit, how about using Await to get the result of future:
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def getItems(param: String): LiftResponse = {
param.toLowerCase match {
case "something" =>
val req = Async call returning a Future
val response = req map { items =>
new JsonResponse
} recover {
case t:Throwable => new BadResponse
Await.result(response, Duration(100, MILLISECONDS))
case _ => new OkResponse