Hi I'm trying to find out how to test my IPN Listener for an Adaptive Payments API Parallel Payment scenario.
specifically: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/ipn_simulator from there I can't seem to select Pay Message as a type.
I've coded my IPN Listener to expect these parameters ( namely, need pay_key and transaction receiver )
Is there a way to test my listener code?
thanks :)
The IPN Simulator is limited. It doesn't allow you to simulate every type of transaction.
You can still test this though. You just need to submit a Parallel Payment API call from a Sandbox Seller account. You don't need to create an application to use in the Sandbox. Every Seller account has the proper permission for Adaptive Payments and there is an APP-ID anyone can use in the Sandbox - APP-80W284485P519543T