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Moose: Extending Exporter causes constructor to disappear?

Here's something weird that I can't figure out. I have a Moose class that I also want to export some constants, using the age-old standard Exporter module. However, as soon as I add extends Exporter to my class, for some reason, the default Moose constructor no longer gets inherited and I get the fatal error:

Can't locate object method "new" via package "MyApp::Dispatch"

Here is a simple test which demonstrates the problem.

package Foo;
use Moose;
use constant NARF => 'poit';
extends 'Exporter';


$ perl -I./lib -MFoo -e '$f=Foo->new'
Can't locate object method "new" via package "Foo" at -e line 1.

Removing the extends line makes the problem vanish.

This is using Moose 0.93.


  • It is assuming you are inheriting from another Moose-based class, so it doesn't inherit from Moose::Object. I'm not sure what the standard answer would be: just manually adding Moose::Object or somehow using MooseX::NonMoose or something else.

    But Exporter works just fine even when not inherited; just import its import routine:

    use Exporter "import";