Search code examples

Backbone Collection get(id) method

I have one main home page in my application and another page for each post that can be accessed through a list displayed in the home page..

this is how my router looks like :

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({

    initialize: function(){
        this.model = new model();
        this.collection = new collection();

    routes: {
        "" : "showForm",
        "post/:id" : "showPost"

    showPost: function(id){
        var curmodel = this.collection.get(id);
        var post = new postView({model:curmodel});


    showForm : function(){
        var qcView = new qcV({model:this.model, collection:this.collection});

this is what one of the links to the posts in this list looks like

<h2><a id= "<%=_id%>" href="#post/<%=_id%>"><%=name%></h2></a>

my first question is: Is it dangerous to link pages with a hash-based URL in this manner?

my second question is: I am having no problem navigating to a posts view if I click one of the links in my home page. I my url successfully changes to something like and that specific post's view is rendered. However at that point if I refresh the page, or if I directly type my URL bar the this.collection.get(id) method in my showPost method in the router returns undefined. Can anyone help me figure out why this is the case?

I checked couple times that my initialize method gets called both times, and my collection and model is created successfully


  • For #2, you are most likely not fetching the collection on the "post" route. Try fetching the collection (if it does not exist) and then call render. That should do the trick!