I'm creating some labels with PDFsharp (using ASP.Net+VB) and everything works OK in my development PC: the PDF file shows correctly the sizes and fonts I choose (Code 128, for barcodes, and Arial. Booth are ttf).
When publishing the code to the server the generated PDF shows Microsoft Sans MS
instead of Code 128
. The pdf is being generated in the server and downloaded to the client (My PC), and I can't see the bar codes in generated PDF neither in server nor in client.
I'm sure the font is installed in the Server and my local PC (I can open a MS Word Document and use the font).
Private loFuenteCode128 As XFont = New XFont("Code 128", 26, XFontStyle.Regular)
It looks to me that the problem is somewhere in the server (Windows 2008).
I Found the problem (kind of): I just gave total rights to the font Code 128
to the users group (yes I know, I'm in a hurry...) and restarted the server (I hadn't restarted since I installed the font). I'm not sure what fixed the problem but I have to move to another issue now.
Some thing else: The original problem holds for "some" windows fonts (tested in local PC and two different servers), for example: I can use Courier New
, but not Courier
. I tried some fonts and it looks like I can use "fonts with styles" (I mean: those which include regular and at least another style in the ttf file); but when I try fonts that only have "regular" style it prints Microsoft Sans MS
instead. I leave it here in case somebody else can benefits from my findings :)