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two same attributes in POST

I need to upload file with Yii. In view I have row: <?php echo CHtml::activefileField($qualificationModel, 'picture'); ?>, where

$qualificationModel = new SkillsMapping;

Part of controller:

 $skillsModel = SkillsMapping::model();
 echo  var_dump($_FILES);

When i chose photo and clicked button i have a error Picture cannot be blank. After checking POST request i founded strange thing - request have two attributes - SkillsMapping[picture]= and SkillsMapping[picture]=Lighthouse.jpg. If commented echo in top of this post, both attributes disappear. How to remove empty SkillsMapping[picture] and why it's going? Thanks.


  • You do not need to remove the empty hidden field because it's there to help you, not hurt you (Yii itself automatically puts it there; see the relevant part of the source).

    The hidden field is there so that $_POST is populated with an empty value when no file has been selected to upload. If a file has been selected the file input control will provide its own POST value that overwrites the empty "guard value".