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What is the best way to reuse DTOs in WinRT

I am trying to create a class library of DTOs to be shared between my backend services which will be written in .NET 4.5, and a WinRT (StoreApp) front end.

I'm finding out that I can't simply reference the DTOs from the server side and front end projects at the same time. I know I can serialize and then deserialize the DTOs into a different type, but I still need to write the DTOs twice which I'm trying very hard to avoid.

I find it very frustrating that I can't reference a library of POCO classes from WinRT - which should not break any security abstraction. I hope it's just my omission and not by design.

So what is the best way to reuse boiler plate code meant for win store with its server side counter part?


  • There are two typical methods of sharing code between projects targeting different platforms/frameworks..

    You can either leverage Portable Class Libraries or use linked files which you can have shared between your different platform projects.