I want to make an app that has on one uri several "pages" that you can scroll to useing scroll right or scroll left gestures I imagined doing it by makeing fiew grids one next to another but I can think of several problems, at begening I should position user on certain page depending of things selected on another page and I shouldn't allow user to stop scrolling and end up between those pages.
This simply can be done using pivot
<phone:Pivot Title="MyApplicationName" x:Name="MyPivot">
<phone:PivotItem Header="Pivot Page1">
///Place here Your Page Content
<phone:PivotItem Header="Pivot Page2">
///Place here Your Second Page Content
And for getting user to a specific page just pass an argument when navigating to this page for example
C# First Page
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/OurPage2.xaml?n"=TheNumberYouWant.ToString(),UriKind.Relative);
Second Page
protected override OnNavigatedTo( NavigationEventArgs e)
int index = 0; //Default
string temp;
NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("n", out temp);
index = int.Parse(temp);
MyPivot.SelectedIndex = index;