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NVD3: How to get values from tooltip or legend instead of labels?

  • The problem with using labels is that if a slice is too small the labels doesn't shows up and therefore, getting the value of label during onClick event fails

  • The problem is reproduced here You will see that for Taxes the label is missing and therefore I can't get its value on click event enter image description here

what would be awesome?

  • If I can get the value from tooltip or legend instead of labels because labels are not a good idea to get values
  • Because I pass the value of label onclick to display other graph

enter image description here


  • In line 144-145 of your script.js, you can change this:

    .on('click', function(){
      var parentCategory = this.getElementsByClassName("nv-label")[0].textContent;

    to this:

    .on('click', function(d){
      var parentCategory =;

    This way, you are passing in the __data__ of the clicked element to the click function, which you can access with d. This should solve your issue. You can also throw a console.log(d) within that function to see all the options available on the __data__ object.