I am writing a function, which creates a new Solr core.
To create a core, you need to post data like (http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin):
But in this example, you need to refer to an existing config and schema.
In my app, each core can have a different configuration, so the best way will be to post the config and schema with JSON format to the server with a create request.
Is it possible?
No, as far as I know, this is not possible at the moment (without creating the files on the server, then creating a core from the files).
You might want to use a more schemaless-ish structure for your schema if you need this kind of functionality, where you rather define a set of field pre/postfixes that map to different default settings for fields, and then use wildcard names to avoid having to define each field in your Schema.
A truly schema less alternative based on Lucene could be Elastic Search as well.